It is totally fine. Really!
And is also good for your health.
Crying is your soul's way to clean itself. When you accumulate anger and sadness in your soul, it fills up and you have to let everything go away. Because when you have too much feelings going on, your body will be exhausted. You will be tired. You know that feeling when you don't want to go outside and you don't want to see or to speak to anybody? That's when your soul can't take it anymore. You feel betrayed and angry. It's totally fine to cry!! You don't have to be ashamed. We are humans! We develop and we experience new feelings and emotions. That's how we learn and grow.
Keep in mind that crying is not a bad thing!
I cry. Like a lot! Whenever I feel like I can't take it anymore, even if I'm alone or with somebody - friend, boyfriend, mom, dad or sister, no matter who is next to me- I cry if I feel that that's the only way to make me feel better! And I feel so damn good after crying. Not my body, because my eyes got swollen and sometimes my head hurts, but my inside is relieved. And I know that tomorrow my eyes won't be puffy anymore and my headache would be gone. These are just fleeting things, but the fact that my mind and my soul are clear is the result that I'm hoping for.
Like I said a thousand times: I'm a very emotive and sensitive person (and sometimes a crybaby). I cry when I'm happy and I cry when I'm not. I cry for dogs, for people, I cry for myself, too. But don't get me wrong. I don't cry everyday, in every second of my life. I cry when the emotions are too wild and my soul can't take 'em anymore.
So cry if you feel like crying! Don't be afraid to show your emotions! No matter if you're a boy or a girl! Just go ahead and do your thang! Cry hard and make sure that after you do that, you'll be stronger! Prepare yourself, rise yourself back up, go outside and shine brighter than ever!
*But never forget to put a smile back on your face! That will destroy them!
#SorryNotSorry #Feelings #Emotions
Wrote by Unknown