
  hey say it can heal everything and everyone. And I think that's true! It can prove things to people, it can bring out the truth! But you have to be patient. Patience is the key!! I've learnt that!
    Time teaches us important lessons! We learn how to evolve, how to forgive, how to be grateful for what we have now! 'Cause "now" is what really matters. The past is gone and it can never be changed, we only have memories from the past and the future is unforeseeable. So we have to enjoy every second of our lives. And time teaches us how to do that, because by time passing we realize what is gone and where we are now.
   Where am I? I'm still here! Working hard for what I dream of! Working hard to make a peaceful place where my soul can rest at night. Still working hard, even if there are obstacles, and people that are trying to make me give up! But I won't give up! NEVER! Because I know what I want to do for now! I, finally, know how I want my future to look like and I'll never let 'em bring me down! This is a war..and I'm going to win! 
    I have to mention that I feel so strong because I'm not alone! And that matters! A lot! I feel happy to know that somebody is there for me! That there is that beautiful soul that fights along with me! 'Cause he wants the same thing as me: PEACE! And I can't wait to live peacefully with you, darling!
    It's nice to finally find what are you looking for: a purpose in life! 
And it feels great to work hard, to be tired, to wake up in the morning and still want to continue what are you doing, because you know you have a purpose! You have to do it... for the future! 
      And I know that even if I'm tired now, time will help me revive. Because in time, every scar heals, every rainy day ends with a little bit of sunshine and every cold soul gets warm.

*Advice o the day:

Never ever give up! Even if it seems like it's not working anymore, even if it's too damn hard, even if it's too far away. just keep walking! Keep doing it! Be patient and walk slowly. Admire everything you see on your way, learn lessons on your way, give.

