In our little world, in our mind..

eople. What are they thinking? In their little world, in their heads...what is going on in their heads? What's their story? Their feelings..
Sometimes..I would really like to read minds! I, personally, like to go to work alone in the morning. I like to be alone because I have my "ritual"in the morning. When I'm alone I think. I think a lot! About everything I see! I have my own way to wake up and get ready for the day. When I get there (to work) I smile and I try to be happy and positive! But the others...I see them everyday..Every people that enters the office is sad. Tired. Sleepy. Sick. Bored. Me? Well, I always try to make jokes, to be funny, cause I'm too sick of being sad all the time! Especially when people around me act like that! I can't endure anymore! That's why they see me smiling almost all the time ('cause everybody has bad days, but not everyday should be a bad day!) and they ask me how can I be so full of energy in the morning? It's simple: people need their alone time! Because...sometimes we only need to disconnect and enjoy our own company! And because I have a full-time job and I don't have too much time to be all by myself during week days, I try to be "alone" in the morning, even if I have lots of people around me! I like to put my thoughts in some clean up my mind, to get ready to be...ME! I like to "be by myself" in a full and rushed city in the morning. It helps me a lot! Because in the evening I choose to spend my time with my family and my boyfriend. So the morning is mine :) I wonder...what are people thinking in the morning when they get to the office? What are their thoughts? I think they are sad because they want to sleep more. And they tend to be grumpy because of that! I want to sleep more, too! But I want to earn money on the other hand!
I really try to be more relaxed. And I realize that being like that is good for my body and my mind!
Am I the only one? Aren't we all a little bit crazy? :D
I'm sure that everybody has a little world in their heads! But they have to learn how to create a world of peace! And more important: they have to know how to keep it that way! Because the real world is crazy enough and that's why we have to keep our minds clear and peacefully!
But...sometimes it's better if you quiet the mind and let your soul speak!
#People #Thoughts