They say it's called Karma.
At first I didn't believe that this is true..until some things started to happen to me.
It's very important to mention that Karma doesn't mean just bad, it also means good.
The point of this Karma thing is that if you do good deeds, you'll receive good and positive feedback in your life. In the other hand, if you do bad things, the bad will come back to you sometime in the future and you'll suffer and pay for your mistakes.
"What goes around, comes back around!" - that's how they describe Karma.
As I said, at first I thought that this is bullshit. I said to myself: "Come on, nothing can happen. It doesn't seem to be's impossible!!"
But after a while..things started to happen..
I want to mention that everything that I write here is true; it's my personal experience. I write about things that happened in my life, my opinions and my beliefs!
So let's come back to our story.
I used to be a bad teen. As a child I was like a little angel. I was a good kid.
I was so happy, everybody loved me.
But then I grew up and I changed my attitude and I changed the way I saw things at that point of my life. I wanted to try new things, to find myself and my style. And I was sure that this is how my life will roll.
I tried to be badass. I started to talk bullshit to everybody and sadly, to my parents too.
And honestly... now I don't even understand why I did that. Crazy bitch!!!
I don't really care about other people, but I'm sure that my parents deserve the best!
I'm not proud about my attitude back then, but I don't regret!
Maybe if I wasn't crazy back then, now the
present wouldn't be this bright and beautiful as it is right now! :)
I truly believe that everything happens for a reason!
Now let's go back to Karma.
As I mentioned earlier, I was a badass bitch. And my deeds were exactly the same..and my words too!
So in the early time of the year of 2011, Karma sent me a "gift".
It was January, and as you know from my other posts, here, in Romania, the winter is really cold and cloudy.
I was cold, so I took a hot bath to warm up myself.
Before getting out of the bathtub, I slowly started to realize that I couldn't feel my legs anymore!
And I got scared, of course.. I don't know how, I can't remember ( 'cause I was a little dizzy, too) how I got out and I crawled all the way to my mom's room. I started to cry and my mom just kept asking me
"What's wrong, darling?". And I was so afraid..
Anyways, I've calmed down, and I tried hard to make my mom understand what happend.
I was paralyzed!
My legs didn't want to cooperate with me.
No matter how hard I tried, they were like stones. Couldn't move 'em!
It was hard for me to be like this. I've cried a lot!! I was afraid that my future will be tragic!
I started to pray and to say good things. I started to teach myself to think about positive things! And it worked somehow..
After a week I started to barely feel my legs. I managed to get out of the bed and to stay on my feet.
The winter was a cruel one, but I walked my dog every evening to help my blood circulation. Sometimes it was like -20▢ C, sometimes there were snow storms, but I kept trying!
I walked very slow, I took tiny steps, but I kept thinking that I can recover my legs!
And that happened! After 2 weeks I started to walk again. I was happier than ever!
My legs are not as strong as they used to be, but I can run, I can walk, I can ride the bike and that's perfect!
Sometimes after I jump or after a long run, I, somehow, feel them weaker.
But I'm glad thet they came back!
In the summer or 2011 I made new friends ( that I used to hate in 2010) and I started a new life. I, slowly, but surely, changed myself. I've changed the way I see things and people, I learnt that I have to know their story first. I've also changed my style.
And now I'm here on my feet and I live a happy and colorful life with one of my best friends as my boyfriend, and my old friends are still here, with me. And I also got my new ones! :)
I changed the way I think and the things I do. Now I am a person full of love and happiness and I like to spread my "vibe" everywhere I go!
And because I choose to live my life that way, Karma decided to give me more good than bad. 'Cause, this life is made out of good and bad, so you can't have just "good" or just "bad".
I've learnt a loooot of things and I'm glad that I can live this way. I regret nothing and I'm sure that this had to happen, because there was no other way that I could understand how to play this game called "life"!
In conclusion, Karma does exist, and it's there, watching every step you take and every move you make, and you have to learn and understand that everything in this life has a cost. Choose carefully how you are going to live your life and make things that YOU ARE GOING TO BE PROUD WHEN YOU GET OLDER!
Life can be beautiful, if we help it a little bit! :)
#TrueStory #MyLife #Karma